The Parcellifecycleservice allows to track parcel status in transit or as delivered.

  1. Requesting Parcel Status Updates via API

    The Parcellifecycleservice allows to track parcels in transit or delivered. The data is retrieved from our central servers which are updated constantly. You can extract the status and integrate it for your custom use. Rate limiting applies. For large tracking data consumption, please request Statusdata via EDI.

    This service is only available to customers who are shipping with DPD and only on the LIVE environment. The service allows to track any DPD Parcel which you shipped, not just the ones which have been created with Shipper Webservice. So it can be used is a solution for your entire DPD tracking follow-up. You will however not be able to track parcels outside your own created volumes.

    Unfortunately, the Parcellifecycle doesn’t provide with all the details as to why a parcel couldn’t be delivered successfully.

    Please note that you can also consult the MyDPD4Business tool to get an overview of your shipments.


    Status Code Meanings:

    • PickedUp – Accepted (and picked-up) by DPD
    • Depot – At delivery depot
    • BetweenDepots – On a transport between DPD Hubs/Depots
    • Courier – Out for delivery
    • ReturningFromDelivery – Returned to delivery depot
    • DeliveryFailure – Unable to deliver the parcel
    • Customs – At cross border checking (for non-EU shipments)
    • Warehouse – Held at warehouse for consolidation/rerouting
    • ParcelShop – At a pickup point
    • Consolidation – Parcel consolidated for new delivery
    • Delivered – Parcel received by recipient.


    Sample call:

    <parcelLabelNumber>053% (14-digit string)</parcelLabelNumber>

    Sample response:

       <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <getTrackingDataResponse xmlns="">
    <content>Your DPD service:</content>
    <content>DPD HOME</content>
    <content>In transit</content>
    <content>The parcel is at the parcel dispatch centre.</content>
    <content>Puurs (BE)</content>
    <content>8/19/2021 10:41:25 PM</content>
    <content>In transit</content>
    <content>The parcel is at the parcel dispatch centre.</content>
    <content>Puurs (BE)</content>
    <content>8/19/2021 11:32:00 PM</content>

    Sample response with unsuccessful delivery

    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
    <getTrackingDataResponse xmlns="">
    <content>Your DPD service:</content>
    <content>DPD PARCELSHOP DELIVERY</content>
    <content>In transit</content>
    <content>The parcel is at the parcel dispatch centre.</content>
    <content>Puurs (BE)</content>
    <content>8/17/2021 7:11:26 PM</content>
    <content>In transit</content>
    <content>The parcel is at the parcel dispatch centre.</content>
    <content>Puurs (BE)</content>
    <content>8/17/2021 7:48:00 PM</content>
    <content>Parcel out for delivery</content>
    <content>At parcel delivery centre.</content>
    <content>Mechelen (BE)</content>
    <content>8/18/2021 4:09:55 AM</content>
    <content>Parcel out for delivery</content>
    <content>The parcel has left the parcel delivery centre and is on its way to the consignee.</content>
    <content>Mechelen (BE)</content>
    <content>8/18/2021 7:34:34 AM</content>
    <content>Parcel out for delivery</content>
    <content>The parcel has left the parcel delivery centre and is on its way to the consignee.</content>
    <content>Aschaffenburg (DE)</content>
    <content>8/18/2021 10:14:00 AM</content>
    <content>Parcel out for delivery</content>
    <content>Unfortunately we have not been able to deliver your parcel.</content>
    <content>Mechelen (BE)</content>
    <content>8/18/2021 2:43:31 PM</content>
    <content>Parcel out for delivery</content>
    <content>Unfortunately we have not been able to deliver your parcel.</content>
    <content>Aschaffenburg (DE)</content>
    <content>8/18/2021 2:43:31 PM</content>
    <content>Parcel out for delivery</content>
    <content>Delivered by driver to Pickup parcelshop</content>
    <content>Mechelen (BE)</content>
    <content>8/18/2021 4:09:35 PM</content>
    <content>Parcel out for delivery</content>
    <content>Delivered by driver to Pickup parcelshop</content>
    <content>Mechelen (BE)</content>
    <content>8/18/2021 4:15:56 PM</content>
    <content>Parcel out for delivery</content>
    <content>Delivered by driver to Pickup parcelshop</content>
    <content>Mechelen (BE)</content>
    <content>8/18/2021 4:16:57 PM</content>
    <content>Parcel out for delivery</content>
    <content>Delivered by driver to Pickup parcelshop</content>
    <content>Mechelen (BE)</content>
    <content>8/18/2021 4:41:00 PM</content>
    <content>Parcel out for delivery</content>
    <content>The parcel has left the parcel delivery centre and is on its way to the consignee.</content>
    <content>Mechelen (BE)</content>
    <content>8/19/2021 10:30:00 AM</content>
    <content>Parcel out for delivery</content>
    <content>The parcel has left the parcel delivery centre and is on its way to the consignee.</content>
    <content>Mechelen (BE)</content>
    <content>8/19/2021 11:32:51 AM</content>
    <content>Parcel handed to DPD</content>
    <content>DPD has received your parcel.</content>
    <content>Mechelen (BE)</content>
    <content>8/19/2021 3:57:33 PM</content>
    <content>Parcel out for delivery</content>
    <content>After an unsuccessful delivery attempt the parcel is back at the recipient depot.</content>
    <content>Mechelen (BE)</content>
    <content>8/19/2021 5:11:26 PM</content>
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