Reprinting a previously created label

  1. Introduction

    The Label Reprint module allows you to reprint a previously created label, using the parcel number that was generated then. This is useful in case you created a label, but accidentally lost it before you could stick it on the parcel. With this function you can reprint an exact copy of that label, based on it’s parcel number.
    Keep in mind that this service is not active by default. If you’d like access to it, you have to request it via the DPD CIT department.

    Attention: it’s not allowed to use this module to create a new shipment! This module only exists so you can reprint a label of an already existing shipment. If you want to create a new shipment with the same details, you still need to generate a new label in the Shipment Service module.

    • Endpoint Live:
      Shipments created with another version of the ShipmentService (like the widely used v3.3 or 3.4) can also be reprinted via this endpoint, however the labelReprint service itself is only available for v3.5 or higher.
  2. Request call

    We will use parcel number 05301234567890 as an example. We created this shipment previously, lost the label and now we wish to reprint it.

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:ns1="">
  3. Response

    The response will contain the label in Base64 format, like with a regular Shipment call

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <labelReprintResponse xmlns="">
    <fullLabel>***label in Base 64 format***</fullLabel>
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